Vietnam's economy is booming, partly due to the trade war between two of its former enemies. The country, best known to Australians as a laid-back holidays destination, is now on the radar for big business attracted by its open investment policies, cheap labour and young workforce. As Prime Minister Scott Morrison heads there this week, Financial Review's correspondent, Michael Smith, meets the Australian companies doing business in the South-East Asian nation.
Ho Chi Minh City | On Thursday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison arrives in Vietnam, a booming nation of 97 million where growth has remained strong even as its South-East Asian rivals suffer under the pressure of the US-China trade war on regional supply chains. For many Australian investors, it’s a clear alternative to China.
Wes Maas, a former South Sydney rugby league player who founded NSW-based construction materials, equipment and services company Maas Group, first saw the potential in Vietnam several years ago.
The company he runs out of Dubbo, which is preparing for a $200 million listing on the Australian Stock Exchange, had already been buying equipment from Vietnam for 18 years. But when its local partner was taken over, Maas decided to go it alone.
Vietnam has rising prosperity. Alamy
The company fast-tracked an initial three-stage plan to build a factory which would make underground mining equipment. Instead, it built the 30,000 square metre plant in one go. The work was completed in eight months. Things have gone much quicker than he expected.
“For us to continue to expand on the world market, finding a skilled workforce to pre-build, prepare or manufacture equipment is almost impossible in Australia today,” Maas told The Australian Financial Review.
The factory is based on a vast industrial park just a short drive from Long Tan, the scene of the bloodiest battle for Australian soldiers during the Vietnam War, has sprung up overnight.
Next to the rubber plantations where many Australians lost their lives, car parks are crammed with tens of thousands of motorcycles which are the main form of transport in this bustling South-East Asian country.
Japan and Korean names dominate the warehouses and manufacturing hubs which have sprung up on this site on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City since Donald Trump's trade tariffs sent manufacturers looking for alternatives to China. One local textile factory has just advertised for 20,000 new employees.
Maas is among the Australians who are also returning to Vietnam, attracted by the government’s open-door policy, free trade agreements and cheap and efficient labour.
The $315 million plants, which has 320 staff including 45 engineers, opened last month. Maas says the biggest attraction was finding a skilled workforce to pre-build, prepare and manufacture the underground mining equipment it exports out of Vietnam around the world. Average wages in Vietnam are around a tenth of Australia’s.
Maas is not alone. Thousands of companies have moved to Vietnam as the US-China trade war, rising labour costs and growing political risk takes the shine off China – the world's largest manufacturing base.
The traditional Asian tigers of South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore have been badly battered by the US-China trade war. The trade-dependent entrepot of Singapore could be in recession by the third quarter of this year. South Korea has seen its flagship electronics exports slump by 22 per cent in the year to June. But Vietnam is on track to this year keep up the GDP growth rate of over 6 per cent that it has maintained since 2000.
There are pros and cons, though, as the country’s infrastructure struggles to keep pace with the demands of a growing middle class. “As more manufacturing comes in they will have to spend more money on infrastructure and the port bottlenecks will free up over time. On the flipside as more manufacturing gets diverted to Vietnam it does put more pressure on the infrastructure and power,” Maas told The Australian Financial Review.
But for now, the lure of Vietnam is too good for many to resist. Better known to many Australians as a laid-back holiday destination, the South-East Asian nation is one of the world’s few economic bright spots at the moment.
Cheap labour, a young population, high education standards, and government policies which offer tax breaks and other incentives for international firms have seen a surge in foreign direct investment. Executives who have re-located there say it is also a nice place to live. Perfect timing for many of the world’s manufacturers as they seek alternatives to Trump’s tariffs on Chinese exports.
“Some economies have actually recorded increases in investment. Vietnam, in particular, is close to full capacity as businesses relocate operations there to try to avoid the direct effect of the tariffs,” Reserve Bank deputy governor Guy Debelle noted last week.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison heads to Vietnam this week in a trip expected to be focused on investment opportunities, although Hanoi’s stand-off with Beijing in the South China Sea means security issues cannot be avoided.
Morrison is not the only one interested in Vietnam at the moment. ANZ chief executive Shayne Elliott took the bank’s top management team there last week to meet key customers and have a first-hand look at a market he says is underrated by corporate Australia. ANZ works with about 150 corporates in Vietnam.
“Vietnam has always been one of those places that have always been on the verge of growth but it never quite got there. There were a few false starts along the way but this time it does feel different,” Elliott says during an interview in ANZ’s offices in Ho Chi Minh City.
“We didn't see the China-US trade war coming but that has reinforced it. A country like this offers diversification to a lot of our customers and it seems to be delivering.”
Vietnam granted investment licences to more than 1720 projects in the first six months of the year, up 26 per cent. Its economy grew at 7.1 per cent last year – a 10-year high – although the International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects that to slow this year to 6.5 per cent.
Australia exported $5 billion of goods to Vietnam in 2018, making it the 14th largest destination. It imported $6.1 billion of goods in the same year. Historically, Australia has run a trade deficit with Vietnam but this has been falling since 2009. Despite the surge in foreign investment into Vietnam Australia's contribution remains modest. ANZ says Vietnam accounts for 0.1 per cent of total Australian investment abroad at $2.3 billion.
While Vietnam will never replicate China’s demand for Australia’s iron ore and coal, there is growing demand from the country’s rising middle classes for Australian produce, services and logistics capability.
Australia’s SunRice Group, which accounts for 5 per cent of Vietnam’s rice exports, acquired a Vietnamese processing mill in the country's south last year and has established breeding programs and works with local farmers to introduce more sustainable and advanced growing practices. While Vietnam is an attractive alternative to NSW’s drought-ravaged Riverina where SunRice is based, the company was also attracted by its free trade policies.
“Australia does not enjoy a free trade agreement that covers rice in many of these nations and Vietnam does have access to a number of neighbouring countries. By inserting ourselves in an integrated supply chain in Vietnam it gives us access to markets that we can’t get to from Australia currently,” SunRice chief executive Rob Gordon says.
Gordon, who did due diligence on 30 potential sites in the Mekong Delta last year, says its 260,000 paddy tonne mill in Vietnam now plays a key role in the company's plans to increase global demand for its branded rice product. It has 800,000 tonnes of milling capacity in Australia as well as operations in the United States and PNG.
He believes Australia is still to tap its potential as a food exporter to the region, although he does not back the concept of Australia becoming Asia’s food bowl.
“I've always thought we would be more likely to be the delicatessen of Asia. Food bowl suggests we will provide the staples but Australia’s resources and its reputation for being clean and green and the skills that our farmers have mean there is a great opportunity for us to provide very high value products and provenance to the more discerning palates in Asia. I don’t think we are about producing cheap food for food security,” he says.
Vietnam’s booming tourist trade and rising middle classes mean demand for Australian produce is also on the rise.
In District 2, a short drive from Ho Cho Minh City's bustling centre, Robert Ameln is inspecting boxes of Tasmanian salmon in one of the cool rooms of a newly opened warehouse.
Ameln runs the local operations for Food Source International, a Middle Eastern-based group importing Australian produce.
He says protein-loving Vietnamese have a high consumption of pork, chicken and beef and many do not trust their own products which means they love Australian product.
“The train is leaving the station now and now is the right time to invest and build something up in Vietnam,” says Ameln, who moved his family from Sweden to Vietnam because they liked the country while travelling. “It is not easy if you are looking for a short-term investment, it is a long term play.”
The company sells to hotels and restaurants, trucking ice-packed containers of premium beef and other produce to far-flung corners of the country. It sells 70 tonnes of Australian produce in Vietnam.
Australian logistics giant Linfox is also investing in Vietnam. The company, which has had a presence in Vietnam for 13 years, opened a 100,000-square-metre site earlier this year in the country's north. It is one of the largest warehouse and distribution centres in northern Vietnam, offering 70,000 pallet positions. It is double the size of anything Linfox has in Australia.
“The ability of the government, the economy compared to other South-East Asian economies is impressive. Vietnam is not only ticking the boxes, there is nothing but upside as far as the country is concerned,” says Scott Croll, the general director of Linfox in Vietnam. He says consumers would buy shampoo in small sachets just a few years ago. Now they can afford to buy bottles of shampoo.
Jodi West, ANZ country head for Vietnam, says Vietnamese workers also have a real “hunger” to succeed. She is surprised that more Australian firms are not investing in a country where the foreign investment is dominated by Asian countries. “There is a prevalence of Asian companies here doing well that have taken a long term strategic position to invest here and there are more coming,” she says.
However, risks remain as Trump threatens to pull the triggers on tariffs and concerns that Vietnam’s infrastructure and power capacity cannot cope with its economic success.